Revival, what is it?

Generally, waking up is the return from the state of sleep to the state of wakefulness or even awareness of a reality. We often hear about revival and usually in charismatic churches. So what does the word awakening really mean in the religious field, especially among Christians. Whenever we talk about revival, what do we mean; what should we understand by this word awakening?

When we talk about revival, some think it is when new people come to convert. Far from there. Revival is when you get rid of iniquity and come back to God. Thus the prophet William Marrion Branham said in his sermon of July 18, 1951 entitled The Angel of the Lord, paragraph 16

“And when you see them crowds gathering together, that don't mean it's a revival; it's just a gathering. But a revival is when people really get right with God, pray until it's answered, and a revival starts all over the city and everything. Do you see? Get rid of sin, get rid of iniquity, and...?... turn to God, turn around, and get back (See?) on the road. »

Neither is the revival a change of the deacons, the pastor. A revival, says prophet William Marrion Branham does not mean getting new members. A revival, he said, a revival means reviving what we already have.

"... So just take the old church, organize it, and say, 'Well, I tell you, we're going to change the deacon board. We're going to switch pastors.'

This is not what the Church needs. She needs the baptism of the Holy Spirit. She needs the power of the living God. A revival does not mean seeking new members; a revival means reviving what one already has. »

The Imitation of Christianity preached on January 27, 1957 in LIMA, OHIO, paragraph 19


64 […] Oh! shame on us ! What we need is a revival. Revival does not mean bringing in new members; it is reviving what we already have. It's just.


1e (10) A revival does not mean having new members; it is reviving what we have already had. See? It's about reviving. I was watching the waves in Lake Michigan sometime ago, watching while I was standing there after a great revival in Chicago. I've seen the--the waves, how they're breaking in, just in a big tide and sweeping back and forth. I thought, you know, that reminds me of that song, "Rivers of Joy Run Through My Soul Like the Waves of the Sea." And them waves begin somewhere in the lake or the ocean. And as they go, they increase in speed, all the time. Then, finally, they reach the shore, just to withdraw and come back. (11) This is how the waves of the glory of God do. It's coming, just like--just like the waves, over and over again, back and forth, the waves of joy of God surging through our souls.

(12) I asked myself: “What is this for? What is the use of making the waters boil? Nature has a way of looking after itself. It's just like people. Well, when you're in your church with your pastors, when you have a Sunday school lesson, or--or something like that in your church, maybe there's no emotions or--or anything unusual. But yet, there's just as much God in your heart as there is when you're jumping or shouting. (13) I said to myself, “Why are they doing this? The same reason God has a revival, the same reason He raises a revival in an ocean, He raises a revival in a lake. And the waters, bubbling, get rid of all the garbage to throw them on the shore. And I think it's a good thing that we have revivals to kinda get rid of all the superstitions and all the--the--the things of the world, bubbling it out, throwing it on the shore, so that the waters can be cleared.


54 … Notice now, Hosea said, “In two days! In two days He would return to them. He will receive us and He will give us, give us life. Now, giving back life does not mean resurrection. Make life there, that's the same word used everywhere else, I just looked at it, means a revival. “He will give us back our lives in two days. Then it would be, "On the third day He will quicken us again, after having scattered us, and blinded, and torn us." »

Waking up is also a realization