Les cantiques de Only believe

WHEN I Survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride.

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LONG ago the maids drew water In the evening time, they say, One day Isaac sent his servant To stop Rebekah on her way. “My master sent me here to tell thee; See these jewels rich and rare; Would'st thou not his lovely bride be In that country over there?”

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DON'T forget the family prayer, Jesus wants to meet you there; He will take your every care, Oh, don't forget the family prayer.

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CRYING “Holy” unto the Lord, Crying “Holy” unto the Lord, If I could, I surely would Stand on that rock where Moses stood.

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IN a manger long ago, I know it's really so, A Babe was born to save men from their sin. John saw Him on the shore, the Lamb forevermore, Oh, Christ, the Crucified of Calvary.

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REACH Out and touch the Lord as He passes by, You'll find He's not too busy to hear your heart's cry; He's passing by this moment, your needs to supply, Reach out and touch the Lord as He goes by.

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THERE'S a country far beyond the starry Sky, There's a city where there never comes a night; If we're faithful we shall go there by and by, It's the city where the Lamb is the light,

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I'M so glad Jesus set me free, I'm so glad Jesus set me free, I'm so glad Jesus set me free, Glory, hallelujah, Jesus set me free. (I'm so glad Jesus lifted me …) (I'm on my way to Heaven, shouting victory …) (Satan had me bound, but Jesus set me free …)

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HERE So many are taking vacation, To the mountains, the lakes or the sea; Where they rest from their cares and their worries, What a wonderful time that must be! But it seems not my lot to be like them, I must toil thru the heat and the cold, Seeking out the lost sheep on the mountains, Bringing wanderers back to the fold.

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OH, it is Jesus! Yes, it is Jesus! It is Jesus in my soul; For I have touched the hem of His garment, And His blood has made me whole.

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WHEN the great plants of our cities have turned out their last finished work, When our merchants have sold their last yard of goods and dismissed the last tired clerk, When our banks have raked in their last dollar and paid the last dividends, When the Judge of the earth says, “closed for the night,” and asks for a balance – What Then?

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FAITH in the Father, faith in the Son, Faith in the Holy Ghost, these three are One; Demons will tremble, and sinners awake; Faith in Jehovah makes anything shake.

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IF the world from you withhold of its silver and its gold, And you have to get along with meager fare, Just remember, in His Word, how He feedsthe little bird; Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

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I Can, I will, I do believe; I can, I will, I do believe; I can, I will, I do believe That Jesus heals me now. (I'm trusting only in the Lord …)

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Isn’t He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful? Isn’t Jesus my Lord wonderful? Eyes have seen, ears have heard, what’s recorded in God’s Word: Isn’t Jesus my Lord wonderful?

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WE'RE floating down the stream of time, We have not long to stay; The stormy clouds of darkness Will turn to brightest day, Then let us all take courage, For we're not left alone; The lifeboat soon is coming To gather the Jewels home.

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IT shall flow like a river, It shall fall like the rain, It shall rise as the dew in morning o'er the plain; For the knowledge of the Lord shall fill all the earth When the Spirit of the Lord shall fall.

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I dreamed that the great judgment morning Had dawned, and the trumpet had blown; I dreamed that the nations had gathered To judgment before the white throne; From the throne came a bright shining angel, And stood on the land and the sea, And swore with his hand raised to heaven, That time was no longer to be.

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I've believed the true report, Hallelujah to the Lamb, I have passed the outer court, O glory be to God, I am all on Jesus' side on the altar sanctified, To the world and sin I've died, Hallelujah to the Lamb.

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I heard my loving Savior say, There's room at the fountain for thee, Come, wash the stains of sin away, There's room at the fountain for thee.

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